August 2020 Love Letters

Surrender & Acceptance

August 2020 Love Letters: Day 16

Hello, my beautiful Beloved!

I do so hope you are enjoying these love letters. I never claimed to be a profound writer, but I do pour my heart and soul into each of these that I craft especially for you, and I hope that my love and open-heartedness toward you does come across. Anyway, today has been very relaxing for me. I did a Yoga with Adriene session on YouTube, got fancied up to go to the grocery store, brought home some new plant babies (mama’s up to 28 now, wheeeeeeee), ate some tasty food, now I’m writing to my favorite person in the whole entire world! Yep, you’re my favorite. And you’re God’s favorite, too. My darling, I want to talk about surrender and acceptance today. How do we surrender and what gets us to a point of acceptance in our lives? Let’s dive in…

What does surrender mean to you? This action is very relevant right now with everything happening in the world. As you can see in the image above, our dear friend Eckhart Tolle believes it starts with self-forgiveness, and that surrendering itself is a miracle. It’s much like a trust fall – who’s set up to catch you when you are tumbling? God is, and our Creator never misses. Faith factors in hugely here, as well, and is a requirement to even start the trust fall. Looking back at my own life, so much makes perfect sense when I see how everything, even and ESPECIALLY the struggles were lining up to shape me into who I am today.

Most of the time, God guides us in little nudges. For me, it was not until I hit a deep pit of a low point in my life and was on death’s door that I could recognize God guiding me. I don’t want you to ever have to experience something like what I did when I had my spiritual awakening. Let me tell you, darling, it is not all butterflies and mermaids and rainbows. I went through hell and came back from it, and I am beyond grateful to be here today, able to write to you with a sound mind, body, and spirit. (Another example of the Trinity and how we are made in the image of the Godhead.)

God still speaks to us today, darling. Through every channel and avenue, person, situation, etc. Most of the time we filter out 99% of the information we are taking in using our subconscious mind, but when the veil lifts, we catch a glimpse of the divine mystical energy that makes up our Creator and it is both awesome and absolutely terrifying at the same time. This is why it is so important to fill your mind with things that are pure, and righteous, and good. Spiritual warfare is what we all are battling, and it is truly a battlefield of the mind.

Surrender often requires supernatural strength. Surrender often requires saying NO. No to the temptations of the flesh, no to anger, hatred, rage, lust, substance use and abuse, no to seeking external validation…I know all of these feelings and temptations and desires. Acceptance means I am human, and I am equal to you, both with the good and bad. Surrendering is a process that must be done continually; this is part of the reason we pray without ceasing. Every moment, you are praying whether you acknowledge it as such or not, every moment you are calling something into existence with your words, thoughts, and actions. What are you creating for yourself today? What do you need to surrender today?

For me, surrender means to put God first, then YOU before myself, as part of the greater whole. We are here to be of service to each other, help each other grow and learn and succeed in this game we are playing together called life. I surrender to you. How can I be of service to you today? I can surrender to you because God showed me how to surrender to GOD first. I am continually sharpening my ability to hear God in the little nudges, and avoiding putting myself in situations where God has to yell again. Certainly, it is a continuous process, not one that happens overnight. Sometimes you may find yourself taking a few steps backward; that does NOT mean it doesn’t count as growth, or that you can’t continue to move forward. Acceptance is so important here. ACCEPT EVERYTHING that you cannot control. (PSSSSST – the only thing you can control is your SELF.)

You must be gentle with yourself, my love. Acceptance means we cannot change the past, our present is powerful, and the future is still an unknown for us. Though we may plan, we cannot plan for everything, but we must do our best to be prepared for whatever may happen. The best preparation you can possibly do is to find peace within yourself, no matter what the external circumstances are. In this moment, RIGHT NOW, I am at peace. That is our mantra for today. Darling, I am leaving you here. Take it in by little bites. I love you so much!

Yours always and forever,

L Joy
